Dr Garsing Wong can offer patients a proven simple procedure which is far more effective sore stopper than any device, to improve your snoring with up to 79% success rate* after a single non-surgical treatment.
*success is defined as a mean drop of 4.65 points on the snoring scale 8 weeks after the procedure
Stop snoring at Auckland Cosmetic Medicine Clinic Ltd - Sapphire Appearance Medicine Clinic with a painless simple " lunch time" procedure!
Snoring can occur due to the soft fleshy part of the roof of your mouth flapping when you breath whilst asleep. The soft fleshy part of the roof of you mouth is called the soft palate.
Snoring is worst if you are extremely relaxed either in the natural state or artificially caused like after drinking alcohol. This is usually worst when you lie on your back however you can snore in any position.
Snoring is extremely common with up to one in two people snoring. The Consumer Institute of New Zealand reported in 2003 that all of the over the counter devices available were on the whole useless to prevent long term snoring.
Sapphire Clinic offers radiofrequency scalpel free method to improve snoring in up to 79.7%* of people after a single treatment.
*success is defined as a mean drop of 4.65 points on the snoring scale 8 weeks after the procedure
This method is even more effective than the traditional surgical approach or laser surgical approach which only offers a 70% improvement in patients. However traditional surgery and laser requires a general anaesthetic, and requires a lengthy stay in hospital. Dr Garsing Wong offers a noninvasive technique that is painless and can be done literally during your lunch break.
Of those patients that require a second treatment, over 60% report a further drop in their snoring by a further 2 points on the snoring scale. Some patients may require a series of treatments to achieve a satisfactory result for their partner.

What is involved?
The snoring assessment needs to be completed by your partner and yourself. Your partner provides you with an independent objective assessment of your current state as well as judging the success of the procedure.
The area at the back of you mouth is numbed. The specialised probe which is made in America is placed in the soft palate which then results in scaring to the soft palate. We use the sophisticated Ellman Surgitron 4.0 mega Hertz dual frequency machine. This makes the soft palate stiffer, so like a sail on a boat which has batons to stop the sail from flapping, so does the procedure to the soft palate do the same. Hence those patients that don't initially respond, usually require more "batons" ie stiffening of their soft palate.
This office based procedure requires precision instruments to give you a near painless procedure whereby you can immediately eat, drink and talk afterwards, and can even return to work immediately if you desire. The area is numbed using numbing spray and a small dental block.
A few patients develop a small ulcer which will heal by itself, requiring nothing more than a few paracetamol in most instances. The procedure is very well tolerated.
Don't let your partner put up with another sleepless night due to your snoring, come in and talk to us to see if this is the right procedure for you.
To find out if this method is right for you, then click this link for an online booking for a consultation with Dr Garsing Wong at Auckland Cosmetic Medicine Clinic Ltd - Sapphire Appearance Medicine Clinic. Please note there is a consultation fee applicable.
A quote that is inclusive of all followup visits, this includes the set followup appointments on day 2, day 14 and day 60 and any additional consultations that you may require two months after the procedure as well as the immediate post procedural medication will be given at the time of consultation.
*success is defined as a mean drop of 4.65 points on the snoring scale 8 weeks after the procedure
Updated 21 July 2022
All our procedures are office base, requiring no time off work, with a compliment of pain free methods to give you the best results.
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