玻尿酸皮下填 充
Juvederm®玻尿酸最初由法國Corneal公司製造,然而被美國Allergan愛力根公司收購。在2011年,Allergan公司所出產的皮下填充劑(Juvederm Ultra XC®、Juvederm Ultra Plus XC及Juvederm Voluma XC®)外加局部麻醉劑,為治療時帶來更舒適的感覺。
黃家聲和陳文佩 Margaret 醫師於2007年最先将此新一代透明質酸皮下填充劑帶進纽西蘭。他們於2007年7月在泰國參加了Maryna Taeib醫師(巴黎名皮膚科醫師)的會議。同年九月在巴黎演講關於無手術肉毒桿菌®和卵磷脂(溶脂)面部整形,甚至安排了時間與Taeib醫師再次碰面。Taeib醫師展示了以鈍針引導玻尿酸皮下填充的治療技術,幾乎可以治療任何部位。黃醫生和Margaret將Taeib醫師的鈍針技術已進一步改善,從而更降低淤青的可能性。
黃醫生和Margaret於2008年3月安排了與Ahmad Tezel醫學博士(一位眼科醫學研究與發展總監)會面。展示Juvederm®和Voluma®兩種包含高度交聯的透明質酸治療方法,適合皮膚的任何一個部位。
Juvederm Ultra XC®和Juvederm Ultraplus XC®特別適用於靜態皺紋和細紋,因為這種柔軟的產品可以注射到皮膚表面及深部,帶給您一個自然及亮麗的結果。且產品本身含有局部麻葯,使治療時減少以往的疼痛。對於一些患者喜歡較強的鎮痛,我們會提供Penthrox吸入鎮痛。停止吸入Penthrox®的30分鐘後,您的感覺即會很快恢復正常。

Before and After photos of Pan Facial Rejuvenation with Juvederm Ultra® and Botox®, espeically around eyes and mouth and chin area.
Please note all photos are photographs of genuine patients of Dr Wong, the photographs are not altered or manipulated in any way. It is important to understand that the photos represent one persons experience and there is no guarantee that any other patient will experience similar results.

Before and After photos of Pan Facial Rejuvenation with Juvederm Ultraplus®, Voluma® and Botox®
Please note all photos are photographs of genuine patients of Dr Wong, the photographs are not altered or manipulated in any way. It is important to understand that the photos represent one persons experience and there is no guarantee that any other patient will experience similar results.
Dr Garsing Wong and Margaret Chen at Sapphire Appearance Medicine Clinic are proud to be one of the first clinics in Auckland, New Zealand to offer our patients Juvederm Ultra® and Juvederm Ultraplus® and Voluma® direct from Allergan Inc. Juvederm Ultra® and Juvederm Ultraplus® and Voluma® are registered medicines in New Zealand.
Juvederm Ultra® and Juvederm Ultraplus® and Voluma® are well suited for all ethnicity's, giving smooth natural results in our patients.
Juvederm® was originally manufactured by Corneal Laboratories in France. Allergan Inc. recently acquired the French company and inherited this valuable stable of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers. In addition to Juvederm®, Corneal Laboratories also manufacture Surgiderm® and Voluma®. As of 2011, Allergan added lidocaine to their products, calling the products Juvederm Ultra XC® and Juvederm Ultraplus XC® and Juvederm Voluma XC®. XC represents "extra comfort", highlighting the addition of a local anaesthetic (numbing medicine) in the fillers to improve the patient comfort when these are injected into your skin. The original developer of the Juvederm range of products went on to work at Teoxane, making the Teosyal range of hyaluronic fillers.
Most importantly, the products are SAFE. They were originally developed with medical use in mind. Hyalurone (hyaluronic acid) is found naturally in our skin, eyes and joints throughout our body. It is naturally broken down in our body to water. The speed at which it is broken down, relates directly to the longevity of the product. In our skin, not all of the hyaluronic acid is broken down to water, some of it stimulates collagenesis, that is, it can stimulate the production of collagen in your skin, thereby further enhancing the longivity of the product.

Lip examples showing soft natural looking results, photos courtesy of Allergan Inc.
Dr Garsing Wong and Wen-Pei Margaret Chen had the opportunity to meet Dr Ahmet Tezel, Director of Research and Development Allergan Medical when he was visitng Brisbane, in March 2008. Drs Wong and Chen were able to show how the unique viscosity of the highly crosslinked hyalurones in Juvederm and Voluma were well suited to be able to be placed at all levels in the skin safely to produce excellent results.

Before and Immediately after Nonsurgical rhinoplasty nose job using Juvederm Ultraplus® at Auckland Cosmetic Medicine Clinic Ltd - Sapphire Appearance Medicine Clinic by Dr Garsing Wong and Wen-Pei Margaret Chen. Please note the statement below.
Photos posted show Dr Wong's actual patients. These photos have not been altered in any manner. It is important to understand that results can differ, and this does not replace a face to face full assessment by Dr Wong. The purpose of before and after photos are solely for providing accurate and useful information,showing a realistic portrayal of the outcome that can be reasonably and typically expected. Dr Wong's patient has received and given fully informed consent for the use of their photos.
Allergan Inc. has been instrumental in allowing Dr Wong and Wen-Pei Margaret Chen to have extensive first hand experience with Juvederm Ultra® and Juvederm Ultraplus® prior to the official launch of the products in New Zealand.

Before and immediately After photos showing how sunken eyes which can make you look tired, are removed with Juvederm Ultra®with a naturally looking result without any bruising. Using the technique that Drs Garsing Wong and Wen-Pei Margaret Chen have developed together, difficult infra orbital volume loss can now be safely and reliably be fixed.
Juvederm Ultra XC® and Juvederm Ultraplus XC® are particularly well suited for static wrinkles and fine lines. The soft product flows very freely, allowing it to be placed both superficially and deeply to achieve very natural looking results.
The products can be used wherever volume is needed. Below shows the combination of using Botox® with Juvederm® in lower facial shaping to give the appearance that the face is more elongated and slimmer. The patient's weight has not changed between the first photo and the followup photo at three months.
Photos posted show Dr Wong's actual patients. These photos have not been altered in any manner. It is important to understand that results can differ, and this does not replace a face to face full assessment by Dr Wong. The purpose of before and after photos are solely for providing accurate and useful information,showing a realistic portrayal of the outcome that can be reasonably and typically expected. Dr Wong's patient has received and given fully informed consent for the use of their photos.

With the addition of local anaesthetic to the fillers means that patients no longer require any nerve blocks for the procedures however we still offer our patients topical anaesthetic free of charge to make the experience even more comfortable.
There is a small chance of bruising which can be further reduced by using a cannula when the area allows this. All patients are able to return to work immediately. It is safe to apply clean makeup to the region.
Sapphire Clinic - Auckland Cosmetic Medicine Clinic Ltd is proud to offer patients this excellent generation of dermal fillers. If you would like to know more about the product, then please click on this link to make a free consultation with Wen-Pei Margaret Chen to see if this is the right solution for your concern.
BOTOX®is a Prescription Medicine containing 100 units of botulinum toxin type A for injection(Please note, in America, the generic name for Botox is onabotulinumtoxinA which is exactly the same. Refer to the FDA Press Release dated August 3, 2009).
It is used for the treatment of frown lines. It should be administered only by trained medical professionals. Talk to your specialist about the benefits/risks of this procedure in appearance medicine.
Cautions: People with defective neuro-muscular transmission disorders, infection at site of injection, glaucoma, pregnancy and lactation.
Possible side effects include headaches, pain, burning or redness at injection site, local muscle weakness including drooping eyelids, lack of feeling and nausea. If you have any side effects or concerns speak to your doctor.
You will need to pay for this medicine. Normal doctors visits apply. Note: The treatment lasts about four months and after this time further courses of treatment may be necessary. Speak to your specialist about your own situation.
BOTOX®, JUVEDERM®, JUVEDERM XC®, VOLUMA®, VOLUMA XC®are registered trademarks of Allergan Inc.
Teosyal Global Action, Teosyal Ultimate, Teosyal Redensity I and II® are registered trademarks of Teoxane, Geneva, Switzerland.
Juvederm Ultra XC, Juvederm Voluma XC at Sapphire Appearance Medicine Clinic also known as Auckland Cosmetic Medicine Clinic Limited is located at 26 College Hill, Freemans Bay, Auckland which borders on Ponsonby and St Mary's Bay, which is just up the road from the New World Supermarket at Victoria Park Market.