黃家聲醫師曾經在網頁上發表過關於毛髮生長及脫髮的文章,奧克蘭美容醫科診所 - 莎菲爾診所(Sapphire Clinic),使用最先進和舒適的技術,為您帶來更好的永久除毛效果。
在同一個面積,只有15 %至75 %的毛囊有毛髮。這就是為什麼您需要依照毛髮生長的週期加以反覆治療,以得到預想的結果. 這是非常重要的,因為毛囊在光療後,幹細胞若沒有被損壞,可能進一步刺激而修復毛囊, 產生下一循環的毛髮生長。
由於深色皮膚人種(包括亞洲人) 較容易吸收光能,治療時,如果機器不能充分冷卻表皮,這可能會導致嚴重後果:如發炎過後黑色素沉澱,導致不必要的黑色素斑。這是爲什麽我們診所會使用Starlux系統除毛的原因。

Photo of before and after hair removal with the comfortable and effective Palomar Starlux Intense Pulse Light system.
Specific wavelengths of light can target both finer and coarse hair as well as lighter hair, on all skin types. Different spot sizes and concentrations of power can treat large areas of hair as well as smaller areas with speed and comfort, such as underarms and bikini lines.
Even though photos may not be shown, you can rest assure that if you have darkhair and of any skin type, then we can help to rid you of the unwanted dark hair.
Please contact Margaret for a free consultation to see how we can effectively get rid of or reduce unwanted pigmented hair.
Hair removal using the Palomar Starlux Super Intense Pulse Light system at Sapphire Appearance Medicine Clinic also known as Auckland Cosmetic Medicine Clinic Limited is located at 26 College Hill, Freemans Bay, Auckland which borders on Ponsonby and St Mary's Bay, is just up the road from the New World Supermarket at Victoria Park Market.
Updated 4 February 2016