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Hair Loss PRP

Dr Garsing Wong, trusted international speaker and cosmetic physician, is one of the first doctors in New Zealand to utilise PRP®, Platelet Rich Plasma Skin Rejuvenation Therapy which has been popularised overseas as the "Dracula Therapy". PRP uses your own blood to stimulate your stem cells in your skin to create new collagen and this can also be used to stimulate hair growth.  PRP can be used as a stand alone treatment for hairloss, receding hairlines, and balding for men and women, as well as in conjunction with hair transplantation which Dr Garsing Wong offers in the first full time surgical suite dedicated for hair transplantation.


WHAT IS PRP® Platelet Rich Plasma "Dracula Therapy"?

PRP is not a dermal filler like the popular hyaluronic acid fillers as it does not give you instant results. Instead you can expect subtle results which improve with time giving you a long lasting result. PRP stimulates your skin to make your own collagen, giving you a more natural looking result. PRP Platelet Rich Plasma treatment consist of an average of three separate treatments over a few months.


It can be used for panfacial rejuvenation whereby most patients will experience an improvement in the quality of their skin.  It can be used in areas which are more difficult to treat such as under your eyes, your chest of decolletage region and for horizontal neck lines.


Platelet Rich Plasma can assist with hair regrowth in a safe, natural way by stimulating your own stem cells to make your hair grow. Results of hair regrowth are usually seen after a few months. Repeat treatments are required. If medically appropriate, certain prescribed medications can enhance the result further.

Before and 4 months After receiving PRP® for Hair Loss, some 18 month prior due to a new "Perm" solution.
Please note all photos are photographs of genuine patients of Dr Wong, the photographs are not altered or manipulated in any way. It is important to understand that the photos represent one persons experience and there is no guarantee that any other patient will experience similar results.


How does PRP Platelet Rich Plasma "Dracula Therapy" work?

PRP is placed in the dermis, or skin layer. This stimulates our skin to replace lost collagen as well as your hair follicles. This reinforced collagen structure provides a foundation for gradually restoring your look when injected in your face



PRP Platelet Rich Plasma "Dracula Therapy" at Auckland Cosmetic Medicine Clinic Ltd - Sapphire Appearance Medicine Clinic is completely safe as we utilise your own blood which is specially treated so that it can be safely deposited back into your skin to grow your own collagen and stimulate your hair to grow.


What can you expect after being treated with PRP Platelet Rich Plasma "Dracula Therapy"?

The hair will be matted with PRP, which needs to be left in your hair overnight. After a gentle wash the next day, you will be able to attend to your normal activities.


The treat can last for several months before a further treatment is required.

Does it hurt?

Topical anaesthetic and local anaesthetic is applied to the region for one hour, making the area numb. If necessary, we also offer inhaled analgesic (pain relief that is breathed in). After the procedure, you can drive home.


How long does it take?

You will need to put aside three hours.

Are there any side effects?

Like with any thing that is administered by injections, you may have injection site discomfort, redness, bruising, bleeding, itching and swelling. Other side effects may include small lumps under the skin that are sometimes noticeable when pressing on the treated area. Most of these can be resolved spontaneously.


How much does it cost?

Cost of the procedure depends on the size of the area that is needed to be treated. For an accurate quote, please make an appointment.

Contact us for a consultation with Dr Garsing Wong to see if this is the right procedure for you as there are other treatment options available.  Please note, a standard consultation fee is applicable. Please click this link to make your appointment.

Regen THC ® It should be administered only by trained medical professionals. Talk to your specialist about the benefits/risks of this procedure in appearance medicine.


New Treatment Available!!

Hairstetics Synthetic Hair Implantation.  Dr Garsing Wong is the first to bring to New Zealand the new, safe, and instant Hairstetic Synthetic Hair Transplant.  In less than 30min, androgeic hairloss or alopecia in men and women can be reliably treated.  Read more by clinic this link to see if this treatment is suitable for you.  To book a consultation with Dr Wong, click this link, please note normal consultation fee applies.

Autologous (meaning your own) hair transplantation is available as well. 

Hair Transplantation is a SAFE and RELIABLE method to restore your hairloss if you have suitable donor hair.  We can only use your own natural hair to transplant where it is desired.  We are the first Kiwi born and trained doctors in New Zealand to offer LONG hair transplantation, giving you a discreet option to have your hair surgically corrected without the need to shave.

The permanent, full time clinic - New Zealand Hair Transplantation Institute, is co-located in Sapphire Appearance Medicine Clinic.  Phone 09 360 1250 to book your 30 minute consultation.  Normal consultation fee applies.


Sapphire Appearance Medicine Clinic also known as Auckland Cosmetic Medicine Clinic Limited is located at 26 College Hill, Freemans Bay, Auckland which borders on Ponsonby and St Mary's Bay, just up the road from the New World Supermarket at Victoria Park Market. 


Updated 17th July 2023

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Sapphire Appearance Medicine Clinic

Address: 26 College Hill,

Freemans Bay,  Auckland 1011

Phone: 09-360 0066


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